Selected publications of Leila Azizi
Articles in journals
  1. Leila Azizi, Ignacio Polti, and Virginie van Wassenhove. Spontaneous alpha brain dynamics track the episodic when. Journal of Neuroscience, 2023. [WWW]

  2. Harish Gunasekaran, Leila Azizi, Virginie van Wassenhove, and Sophie K Herbst. Characterizing endogenous delta oscillations non-invasively in humans. Scientific Reports, 13:11031, 2023. [WWW]

  3. Laetitia Grabot, Anne Kösem, Leila Azizi, and Virginie van Wassenhove. Prestimulus Alpha Oscillations and the Temporal Sequencing of Audio-visual Events. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 11:1-17, 2017. [PDF]

  4. Anne Kösem, Anahita Basirat, Leila Azizi, and Virginie van Wassenhove. High frequency neural activity predicts word parsing in ambiguous speech streams.. J Neurophysiol, pp jn.00074.2016, September 2016. [WWW] [Abstract]

  5. A. Kosem, A. Basirat, L Azizi, and V.van Wassenhove. High-frequency neural activity predicts word parsing in ambiguous speech streams.. J Neurophysiol, 116(6):2497-2512, 2016.

  6. Melanie Strauss, Jacobo D. Sitt, Jean-Remi King, Maxime Elbaz, Leila Azizi, Marco Buiatti, Lionel Naccache, Virginie van Wassenhove, and Stanislas Dehaene. Disruption of hierarchical predictive coding during sleep. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, March 2015. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  7. N. Zilber, P. Ciuciu, A. Gramfort, L. Azizi, and V. van Wassenhove. Supramodal processing optimizes visual perceptual learning and plasticity. NeuroI, 93:32-46, 2014.



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Note that this is not the exhaustive list of publications, but only a selection. Contact the individual authors for complete lists of references.

Last modified: Fri Oct 18 11:53:22 2024
Author: gs234476.

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