Publications of year 2006
  1. Stanislas Dehaene. Vers une science de la vie mentale. Fayard, 2006.

  1. Véronique Izard. Interactions entre les représentations numériques verbales et non-verbales: étude théorique et expérimentale. Thesis/Dissertation, Université Paris 6, 2006.
    Note: Supervised by Stanislas Dehaene. [PDF] [Abstract]

Book chapters
  1. Christophe Pallier. Imagerie cérébrale du cerveau bilingue. In Catherine Liégeois-Chauvel, Bernard Guéguen, Patrick Chauvel, and Philippe Kahane, editors,Neurophysiologie du langage. Elsevier, 2006.

Articles in journals
  1. F-Xavier Alario, Hanna Chainay, Stéphane Lehericy, and Laurent Cohen. The role of the supplementary motor area SMA in word production. Brain Research, 1076(1):129--143, March 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  2. Jamila Andoh, Eric Artiges, Christophe Pallier, Denis Rivière, Jean-François Mangin, Arnaud Cachia, Marion Plaze, Maris-Laure Paillère-Martinot, and Jean-Luc Martinot. Modulation of language areas with functional MR image-guided magnetic stimulation. Neuroimage, 29(2):619--627, January 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  3. Eric Artiges, Catherine Martelli, Lionel Naccache, David Bartrés-Faz, Jean-Bernard Leprovost, Armelle Viard, Marie-Laure Paillère-Martinot, Stanislas Dehaene, and Jean-Luc Martinot. Paracingulate sulcus morphology and fMRI activation detection in schizophrenia patients. Schizophr Res, 82(2-3):143--151, February 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  4. Bernhard Baier, Andreas Kleinschmidt, and Notger G. Müller. Cross-modal processing in early visual and auditory cortices depends on expected statistical relationship of multisensory information. Journal of Neuroscience, 26(47):12260--12265, November 2006.
    Note: IMPORTANT Correction: In Figure 2B of the article, the colors for the associated and non-associated conditions were switched by mistake. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  5. Hilary Barth, Kristen La Mont, Jennifer Lipton, Stanislas Dehaene, Nancy Kanwisher, and Elizabeth Spelke. Non-symbolic arithmetic in adults and young children. Cognition, 98:199-222, March 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  6. Stanislas Dehaene, Jean-Pierre Changeux, Lionel Naccache, Jérôme Sackur, and Claire Sergent. Cnscious, preconscious, and subliminal processing: a testable taxonomy. Trends Cogn Sci, 10:204-11, 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  7. Stanislas Dehaene, Véronique Izard, Pierre Pica, and Elizabeth Spelke. Core knowledge of geometry in an Amazonian indigene group. Science, 311(5759):381--384, January 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  8. Stanislas Dehaene, Veronique Izard, Pierre Pica, and Elizabeth Spelke. Examining Knowledge of Geometry: Response to Wulff and Delson. Science, 312:1310, 2006. [PDF]

  9. Stanislas Dehaene and Lionel Naccache. Can one suppress subliminal words?. Neuron, 52(3):397--399, November 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  10. Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, Stanislas Dehaene, Jean-Luc Anton, Aurelie Campagne, Philippe Ciuciu, Guillaume P Dehaene, Isabelle Denghien, Antoinette Jobert, Denis Lebihan, Mariano Sigman, Christophe Pallier, and Jean-Baptiste Poline. Functional segregation of cortical language areas by sentence repetition. Hum Brain Mapp, 27(5):360--371, May 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  11. Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, Lucie Hertz-Pannier, and Jessica Dubois. Nature and nurture in language acquisition: Anatomical and functional brain-imaging studies in infants. Trends in Neuroscience, 29(7):367--373, 2006. [PDF]

  12. Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, L. Hertz-Pannier, Jessica Dubois, S. Mériaux, A. Roche, M. Sigman, and Stanislas Dehaene. Functional organization of perisylvian activation during presentation of sentences in preverbal infants. pnas, 103:14240-14245, 2006. [PDF]

  13. Antoine Del Cul, Stanislas Dehaene, and Marion Leboyer. Preserved subliminal processing and impaired conscious access in schizophrenia. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 63(12):1313--1323, December 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  14. Dori Derdikman, Marcin Szwed, Knarik Bagdasarian, Per Magne Knutsen, Maciej Pietr, Chunxiu Yu, Amos Arieli, and Ehud Ahissar. Active construction of percepts about object location.. Novartis Found Symp, 270:4--14; discussion 14-7, 51-8, 2006. [Abstract]

  15. J. Dubois, L. Hertz-Pannier, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, Y. Cointepas, and D. Le Bihan. Assessment of the early organization and maturation of infants' cerebral white matter fiber bundles: a feasibility study using quantitative diffusion tensor imaging and tractography. Neuroimage, 30(4):1121--1132, May 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  16. J. Dubois, C. Poupon, F. Lethimonnier, and D. Le Bihan. Optimized diffusion gradient orientation schemes for corrupted clinical DTI data sets.. MAGMA, 19(3):134--143, August 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  17. Raphaël Gaillard, Antoine Del Cul, Lionel Naccache, Fabien Vinckier, Laurent Cohen, and Stanislas Dehaene. Nonconscious semantic processing of emotional words modulates conscious access. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, April 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  18. Raphaël Gaillard, Lionel Naccache, Philippe Pinel, Stéphane Clémenceau, Emmanuelle Volle, Dominique Hasboun, Sophie Dupont, Michel Baulac, Stanislas Dehaene, Claude Adam, and Laurent Cohen. Direct intracranial, FMRI, and lesion evidence for the causal role of left inferotemporal cortex in reading. Neuron, 50(2):191--204, April 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  19. Teodora Gliga and Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz. Development of a view-invariant representation of the human head. Cognition, February 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  20. Narly Golestani, F-Xavier Alario, Sébastien Meriaux, Denis Le Bihan, Stanislas Dehaene, and Christophe Pallier. Syntax production in bilinguals. Neuropsychologia, 44(7):1029--1040, 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  21. Boris S Gutkin, Stanislas Dehaene, and Jean-Pierre Changeux. A neurocomputational hypothesis for nicotine addiction. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 103(4):1106--1111, January 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  22. P. Huppi and J Dubois. Diffusion tensor imaging of brain development. Semin Fetal Neonatal, 11:489-497, 2006. [PDF]

  23. Andreas Kleinschmidt and Laurent Cohen. The neural bases of prosopagnosia and pure alexia: recent insights from functional neuroimaging. Curr Opin Neurol, 19(4):386--391, August 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  24. Andreas Kleinschmidt. Cognitive control signals in visual cortex: flashes meet spotlights. Neuron, 51(1):9--11, July 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  25. H. Laufs, John L Holt, Robert Elfont, Michael Krams, Joseph S Paul, K. Krakow, and A. Kleinschmidt. Where the BOLD signal goes when alpha EEG leaves. Neuroimage, 31(4):1408--1418, July 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  26. Sébastien Mériaux, Alexis Roche, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, Bertrand Thirion, and Jean-Baptiste Poline. Combined permutation test and mixed-effect model for group average analysis in fMRI.. Hum Brain Mapp, 27(5):402--410, May 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  27. Kimihiro Nakamura, Nobuko Hara, Sid Kouider, Yoshihiro Takayama, Ritsuko Hanajima, Katsuyuki Sakai, and Yoshikazu Ugawa. Task-guided selection of the dual neural pathways for reading. Neuron, 52(3):557--564, November 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  28. Boris New, Ludovic Ferrand, Christophe Pallier, and Marc Brysbaert. Reexamining the word length effect in visual word recognition: new evidence from the English Lexicon Project. Psychon Bull Rev, 13(1):45--52, February 2006. [PDF] [Abstract]

  29. Manuela Piazza, Andrea Mechelli, Cathy J Price, and Brian Butterworth. Exact and approximate judgements of visual and auditory numerosity: an fMRI study. Brain Res, 1106(1):177--188, August 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  30. Manuela Piazza, Philippe Pinel, and Stanislas Dehaene. Objective correlates of an unusual subjective experience: A single-case study of number?form synaesthesia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 23(8):1162--1173, 2006. [PDF] [Abstract]

  31. Marion Plaze, David Bartrés-Faz, Jean-Luc Martinot, Dominique Januel, Franck Bellivier, Renaud De Beaurepaire, Sandra Chanraud, Jamila Andoh, Jean-Pascal Lefaucheur, Eric Artiges, Christophe Pallier, and Marie-Laure Paillère-Martinot. Left superior temporal gyrus activation during sentence perception negatively correlates with auditory hallucination severity in schizophrenia patients. Schizophr Res, July 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  32. Jean-Baptiste Poline, Stephen C Strother, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, Gary F Egan, and Jack L Lancaster. Motivation and synthesis of the FIAC experiment: Reproducibility of fMRI results across expert analyses. Hum Brain Mapp, 27(5):351--359, May 2006. [WWW] [Abstract]

  33. Mariano Sigman and S Dehaene. Dynamics of the central bottleneck: dual-task and task uncertainty. PLoS Biol, 4, 2006. [PDF]

  34. Marcin Szwed and Ehud Ahissar. Mapping the gates. Focus on Relationship between physiological response type (RA and SA) and vibrissal receptive field of neurons within the rat trigeminal ganglion.. J Neurophysiol, 95(5):2729--2730, May 2006. [WWW]

  35. Marcin Szwed, Knarik Bagdasarian, Barak Blumenfeld, Omri Barak, Dori Derdikman, and Ehud Ahissar. Responses of trigeminal ganglion neurons to the radial distance of contact during active vibrissal touch.. J Neurophysiol, 95(2):791--802, February 2006. [WWW] [Abstract]

  36. Bertrand Thirion, Edouard Duchesnay, Edward Hubbard, Jessica Dubois, Jean-Baptiste Poline, Denis Lebihan, and Stanislas Dehaene. Inverse retinotopy: inferring the visual content of images from brain activation patterns. Neuroimage, 33(4):1104--1116, December 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  37. Fabien Vinckier, Lionel Naccache, Caroline Papeix, Joaquim Forget, Valerie Hahn-Barma, Stanislas Dehaene, and Laurent Cohen. What and where in word reading: ventral coding of written words revealed by parietal atrophy. J Cogn Neurosci, 18(12):1998--2012, December 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  38. Anna Juliet Wilson, Stanislas Dehaene, Philippe Pinel, Susannah Revkin, Laurent Cohen, and David Cohen. Principles underlying the design of The Number Race, an adaptive computer game for remediation of dyscalculia. Behav Brain Funct, 2(1):19, 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

  39. Anna Juliet Wilson, Susannah Revkin, David Cohen, Laurent Cohen, and Stanislas Dehaene. An open trial assessment of The Number Race, an adaptive computer game for remediation of dyscalculia. Behav Brain Funct, 2(1):20, 2006. [WWW] [PDF] [Abstract]

Conference proceedings
  1. Christophe Pallier. Imagerie cérébrale du bilinguisme et de l'apprentissage des langues. In Frédéric Bimbot, editor, Actes des XXVIe journées d'études sur la parole (JEP), pages 555--556, 2006.
    Note: Dinard. [PDF]

  2. Bertrand Thirion, Edouard Duchesnay, Edward Hubbard, Jessica Dubois, J-B Poline, and Stanislas Dehaene. Reading the brain visual system as an inverse problem. In 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Nano to Macro, 2006., pages 1060--1063, 2006. IEEE.



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Note that this is not the exhaustive list of publications, but only a selection. Contact the individual authors for complete lists of references.

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